
一般科目  academic subjects:
國文  Chinese 英文  English
數學  math  ( mathematics ) 理化  physics & chemistry
社會  social science (social studies) 地理  geography
歷史  history 生物  biology
地球科學  earth science 工藝  arts & craft
生活科技  living technology 美術  fine art
音樂  music 體育  PE (physical education)
家政  domestic science 電腦課  computer studies
健康教育  health education 公民與道德  civics & virtue
藝術與人文 arts & humanities  軍訓  military training
班會  class meeting 週會  weekly meeting
聯課活動  extra curriculum activity 自習  independent study
必修科目  required subjects 部訂科目  ministry required subjects
選修科目  optional subjects 校訂科目  school required subjects
活動科目  activity subjects  
學制  school system:
幼稚園 kindergarten  托兒所 nursery
雙語幼稚園  bilingual kindergarten 全美語幼稚園  whole English kindergarten
國小 elementary school 國中 junior high school
高中 senior high school 學院 college
university 研究所 graduate school
高職  senior vocational school 建教合作班  cooperative program
進修教育  continue education 實用技能班  practical skill program
成人教育班  adult education program 綜合高中  comprehensive senior high school
五年制專科  five- year college 二年制專科  two- year college
四年制技術學院  four- year technology college 二年制技術學院  two- year technology college
碩士班  master program 博士班  doctoral program
安親班  after- school day care 國小補校  supplementary elementary school
國中補校  supplementary junior high school 高中進修學校  continuing senior section school
進修專校  continuing college 空中大學與進修學院  open university & continuing college
特殊教育  special education  
機械科  department of mechanical 汽車科  department of automobile
製圖科  department of drawing 電機科  department of electrical
電子科  department of electronic 印刷科  department of printing
資訊科  department of computer 控制科  department of control
建築科  department of architecture 會計科  department of accounting
商業經營科  department of business management 冷凍空調科  department of refrigeration & air conditioning
國貿科 department of international trade 資訊處理科  department of data processing
幼兒保育科  department of child care 化工科  department of chemical technology
食品加工科  department of food processing 園藝科  department of horticulture
鑄造科  department of foundry 配管科  department of plumbing & piping
模具科  department of die molding 家事類科  department of home economics
護理類科  department of nursing 餐飲管理科  department of restaurant management
應用外語科  department of applied foreign language 廣告設計科  department of advertisement design
班聯會  student council 畢業生聯合會  graduation committee
辯論社  debating society 英語社  English club
科學研習社  science research society 資訊社  information study society
書法社  calligraphy club 國畫社  Chinese painting club
攝影社  photography club 手語社  sign- language club
漫畫社  comics research club 合唱團  school chorus
國樂社  Chinese music club 童軍團  scout
吉他社  guitar club 街舞社  street dance club
土風舞社  folk dance club 戲劇社  drama club
太極拳社  Taichi club 廣播社  broadcasting club
田徑隊  track & field team 橋藝社  bridge club
小考  quiz 測驗  test
段考  sectional exam (examination)   入學考試  entrance exam
月考  monthly exam 智力測驗  intelligence test
班級平均  class average 加權平均  weighted  average
全班 / 全校排名  class / school rank 及格  pass
文法  grammar 字彙  vocabulary
是非題  true- false (question) 翻譯  translation
選擇題  multiple choices (question) 配合題  matching test
分數  score; mark; grades 扣分  deduction
筆試  written exam (test) 口試  oral exam (test)
閱讀測驗  reading test 聽力測驗  listening comprehension test
學力測驗  achievement test 補考  make- up test
檢定考試  qualification exam 改考卷  correct papers
評量  evaluation 成績單  grade report
畢業證書  diploma 修業證明書  certificate
肄業證書  certificate of attendance 畢業生  graduate
成績單  transcript of record 學分  credit
學年  academic year 學期  semester
校訓  school mottoes 登錄  log in
請假外出 on leave 請假卡  attendance card
獎狀  award 英語護照  English passport
寒假  winter 寒假輔導  winter session
暑假  summer 暑假輔導  summer session
返校日  school return day   複習  review
運動比賽  athletic contest  樂團  band
合唱團  chorus 社團  club
露營  camping 畢業旅行  graduation trip (travel)
畢業典禮  graduation ceremony 校慶  school anniversary
運動會  athletic meeting 拔河比賽  tug of war
籃球賽  basketball game 桌球比賽  table tennis game
接力賽  relay race 合唱比賽  choir contest
戶外活動  outdoor activity 演講比賽  speech contest
音樂會  concert 家庭訪問  home visit
展覽  exhibition 朝會  morning meeting
新生訓練  orientation 升旗典禮  flag hoisting ceremony
訪客登記 visitor registration 資優班  elite class
就學 educational assistance 就業 employment assistance
就養 home care 請傳閱 please circulate
請簽收 return receipt requested 請張貼 please post
學雜費  tuition fee 學費  tuition
雜費  miscellaneous fee 班級費  class fee
實習材料費  material fee for practice 家長會費  parents association fee