
口令與廣播  announcement & broadcast:  
升旗典禮開始  The ceremony begins. 全體肅立  Stand at attention.
主席就位  Chairman please. 唱國歌  Sing national anthem (song).
升旗敬禮  Flag hoisting.  Salute. 手放下  At ease.
工作報告  Work report. 報告完畢  That's all.  
以中央伍為準  Center hands up. 向中看齊  Eyes center.
向前看  Eyes front. 向左看  Eyes left.
向右看  Eyes right. 向左轉  Turn left.
向右轉  Turn right. 向後轉  Turn around.
起步走  March. 踏步走  Mark time march.
跑步走  Double time march. 快步走  Quick time march.
立定  Halt. 集合  Assemble.
排隊  fall- in.  排頭  file leader 
靠攏  Close. 散開  Extend.
出列  Turn out. 歸隊  Join.
解散  Dismiss. 對齊  A line.
看齊  Dress. 點名  Take roll call.
立正  Attention. 稍息  At ease.
報數  Count off.  
All grade seven class leaders, please come to studies affairs office. 
Assistant counselor for class one nineteen, please come to counseling office.
All grade eight discipline leaders, please come to the main foyer.
All classroom decorators come to the library, please.
All class leaders, please come to the hallway of the  students affairs office.
We will have activities in the first class.
The students in charge if getting the meals, please assemble in front of the kitchen.
Grade seven, please assemble in the hallway to go to the assembly ground for the flag hoisting.
The bell has rung, all students back to your classroom for rest time.
Students who were late for school, please assemble in the main foyer after lunch.
During outdoor class, please turn off all the electricity in your classroom.
Look out for the cars on the way home after school.
現在公佈整潔比賽 (秩序比賽)得獎名次。第一名是二年八班、第二名是一年十班、第三名是一年九班。  
We will now announce the honor roll for the cleaning race (discipline race).  In first place is class two O eight, the second is class one ten, and the third is class one O nine.
入學年齡  admission age 入學資格  admission qualifications
入學標準  entrance requirements (standards) 人才外流  brain drain
上課時間  class period 代課  to teach as a substitute
分級(組)  class grouping 升級  promotion
同校同學  schoolmate 同班同學  classmate
男女同校制  coeducation 招生廣告  advertisement for pupils
夜間部(補校)學生  night school student 研究報告  research report
重修  to repeat a course 留級  to stay back a year 
品學兼優  be excellent in character & learning 校友  alumnus
女校友  alumna 校規  school regulations
高材生  gifted student 建教合作  cooperative system
留學  to study abroad 病假  sick leave
請假  to ask for leave 記過次數  demerits
缺課  to miss a class 旁聽生  auditor
勒令退學  forced dismissal 參考書  reference book
教材  teaching material 教具  teaching aids
教案  teaching plan; lesson plan 教學日誌  diary of instruction
教學法  method of instruction 教學進度  teaching progress
寄宿生  boarder 通學生  non- boarding student
略讀  skipping 博覽  extensive reading
熟讀  to read many times 精讀  intensive reading
默讀  silent reading 速讀  speed reading
開學日  first day of school 親師日  parent- teacher meeting day
補課  to make up for missed class 補習(補救教學)  supplementary education
註冊  to enroll; register 跳級  to skip a grade
填鴨式教育  education by rote memorization 啟發  to stimulate
獎學金  scholarship 視聽教材  audio- visual materials (aids)
德育  moral culture 智育  intellectual culture
體育  physical culture 群育  social culture
美育  aesthetic culture 衝堂  conflicting class- time
輟學  to quit school 學分  credit
學位  degree 操行  conduct
轉學  to transfer to another school 通訊錄  telephone and address list
校花  school beauty 工讀生  part- time student
書呆子  bookworm 活字典  walking dictionary
留級生  repeater 逃學 (翹課)  to skip school (class)