
九年一貫課程 grade 1-9 curriculum 九年一貫課程綱要 grade 1-9 curriculum guidelines
課程改革 curriculum reform 課程目標 curriculum goals
課程統整 curriculum integration 學習領域 learning areas
課程評鑑 curriculum evaluation 協同教學 team teaching
學習階段 learning stages 基本能力 core competence
鄉土語言 dialects 學力測驗 academic attainment testing
生活課程 life curriculum 資訊教育 information technology education
環境教育 environmental education 兩性教育 gender education
人權教育 human rights education 綜合活動 integrative activities
自然與生活科技 science & technology 藝術與人文  arts and humanities
能力指標 competence indicators or benchmarks
生涯發展教育 career development education  
學校本位課程發展 school- based curriculum development
學校課程發展委員會 committee of school curriculum development
圖書館用語  library:  
目錄 card catalog 總類 general works & references
藝能總類 the arts 宗教類 religions
哲學類 philosophy 自然科學類 natural sciences
社會科學 social sciences 中國歷史 Chinese history
世界歷史 world history 語文故事 language & stories
文學 literature 自傳 autobiography
史地 geography & history 運用科學 applied sciences or technology
期刊 periodicals 百科全書 encyclopedias
字典 dictionaries 有聲書 talking books
報紙 newspapers 報架 newspaper rack
書庫 (開架式) open stacks 閱報室 newspaper room
閱覽室 reading room 還書處 book return
圖書室使用規定 library rules 借閱登記 loan registration
新書介紹 new publications 好書介紹 recommended books
不准外借的書 books unavailable for loan 教師參考用書 reference books for teachers
請保持安靜 Please keep quiet. 輕聲細語 Please talk quietly.
走廊請勿奔跑 Please don't run in the hallway. 輕聲關門 Please don't slam the door.
愛惜圖書並準時歸還 Take good care of the books and return them on time.
閱後請歸回原位 Please put the books away when you finish reading them.
館內禁止飲食 No food or drinks in the library.
椅子輕拉輕放 Pull and replace the chairs gently.
紙類回收桶 paper recycling bin 玻璃回收桶 glass recycling bin
電池回收筒 battery recycling bin 環保站 environmental protection station
垃圾分類 recycling 一般垃圾 trash
垃圾掩埋場 landfill 垃圾處理場 disposal area
廢棄物處理場 waste treatment plant 廚餘區 organic garbage
紙類 paper 金屬類 metal
玻璃類 glass 塑膠類 plastic
鋁箔包 beverage pack 鐵類 iron
瓶類 bottles 鋁類 aluminum
罐類 cans 節約用水 Please conserve water.
會議時請關機 Please turn off your cell phone during meetings.
冷氣開放中,請隨手關門 Air-conditioned. Keep door closed.
開會中 Meeting in Progress 地面濕滑 Slippery When Wet
出口  Exit ; Way Out  (標示於地面) 右彎 Turn Right
安全第一  Safety First 此門不通  No Exit
行人專用  Pedestrians Only 汽車專行  Auto Traffic Only
上下樓梯請注意安全  Watch Your Steps 入池請戴泳帽 Please Wear Swimming Cap
危險勿近 Danger.  Keep off. 危險物品 Dangerous Goods
在辦公處所請佩掛識別證  Please display ID all times.
如需紙杯,請至服務台索取  Additional cups available at information counter.
使用後,請歸回原處 Return After Use 作業流程圖  Services Flow Chart
車輛請勿進入  No Vehicles 車輛管制口  Security Check ; Access Control
岔路  Intersection 來賓止步  Authorized Personnel Only
來賓請登記換證  Visitor Registration 注意安全 Caution
非工作人員禁止進入  Staff Only 保持距離  Keep Distance
高溫危險  Warning : High Temperature 高壓電危險 Keep Clear - High Voltage
禁止踐踏草地 Keep Off the Grass 禁止機車進入  No Motorcycles
禁止戲水  No Playing in the Water 禁止攀爬  No Climbing
禁止觸摸作品  Do Not Touch Art Works 節約用電  Save Energy
維護環境整潔  Keep Clean 請上二樓  Second Floor, Please
請勿丢擲垃圾  No Littering 請勿停車  No Parking
請勿堵塞出入口  Do Not Block Passageway 請勿暫停  No Standing
電腦故障,暫停服務 Computer Failure, Please Wait
請勿亂吐檳榔汁及亂丢煙蒂  Please don't spit betel nut juice or toss cigarette butts.
請出示識別證或通行證  Please Show Entry Pass or Permit
請用雨傘套 Please Use Plastic Umbrella Cover
請脫鞋入內 Please Remove Shoes Before Entering
請由此下樓  This Way Down 請由側門出入  Please Use Side Entrance
請至地下一樓  Please Go to Basement 請排隊  Please Line Up
請開大燈  Light On Please 請換拖鞋  Please Wear Slippers
遵行方向  This Way 隨手關門  Keep Closed
謝絕推銷  No Solicit 請戴識別證  Please Wear ID Card
請直走  Straight Ahead, Please 謝謝光臨  Thank You For Coming