
字母  letter; alphabet (單)字  word; vocabulary
句子  sentence 課文  reading
句型  sentence pattern 對話  dialogue
音標  sound mark 發音  pronunciation
母音  vowel 子音  consonant
子句  clause 文法  grammar
名詞  noun 動詞  verb
代名詞  pronoun 助動詞  auxiliary verb
副詞  adverb 形容詞  adjective
連接詞  conjunction 介係詞  preposition
冠詞  article 主詞  subject
受詞  object 片語  phrase
標點符號  punctuation mark 逗點  comma
句點  period 冒號  colon
連字符號  hyphen 分號  semicolon
問號  question mark 驚嘆號  exclamation mark
引號  quotation marks 破折號  dash
括弧  brackets 省略號,所有格符號  apostrophe
下課  dismiss 簽名  signature
起立  Stand up. 表演  perform
敬禮  Bow. 坐下 Sit down.
舉手  Raise your hand.  手放下  Put down your hand.
早安  Good morning. 午安  Good afternoon.  (Good day.)
晚安  Good evening. 再見  Good-bye. (See you.)  (Bye-bye.)
注意  Pay attention! 看這裡  Look here.
再一次  One more time.  (Once more.) 到這裡來  Come here.
到那裡去  Go there. 停  Stop.
輪到你了  It's your turn. 不要那樣做  Don't do that.
謝謝  Thank you. (Thanks.) 不客氣  You're welcome. (No thanks.)
對不起  I'm sorry. (Sorry.) 沒關係  That's O.K.  (Never mind.)
非常好  Very good.  做的真棒  Well done.  (Good job.)
答對了  That's right.  (You're right.) 快一點  Hurry up!
跟我來  Follow me. 請跟著我唸  Repeat after me.
好多了  Much better. 不錯  Not bad.
再試試看  Try again. 再說一遍  Say it again.
遵守規定  Follow rules. 不可打(吵)架  No fighting.
不可作弊  No cheating. 上課時不可吃東西  You can't eat in class.
課前預習  Preview before class. 課後複習  Review after class.
善用時間  Use time well. 劃重點  Underline.
專心學習  Concentrate on studies. 發問  Ask questions.
明天見  See you tomorrow. 待會見  See you later.
把字拼出來  Spell the word. 這個字怎麼拼  How to spell the word?
打開書  Open your book. 閤上書  Close your book.
把書收起來  Put your book away. 安靜  Be quiet.
等一下  Wait a minute. 繼續  Go on. (Go ahead.)  (Continue.)
翻到下一頁  Turn to the next page. 翻到上一頁  Turn back to the previous page.
擦黑板  Clean the blackboard. 翻到課本第六頁  Open your book to page 6.
你怎麼了  Are you OK? (What's wrong?) 有問題嗎  Any questions?
有沒有自願者  Any volunteers? 休息一下  Let's take a break.
下課  That's all for today. 我們將會有個小考  We'll have a quiz.
抱歉(失陪)  Excuse me. 我不確定  I'm not sure.
我不知道  I don't know. 注意聽錄音帶  Listen to the tape.
把答案寫下來  Write down the answer. 看黑板  Look at the blackboard.
看課本第十頁 Look at page 10 in your book. 說大聲一點  Speak louder.
用這個字造句  Make a sentence with this word. 這個英文要怎麼說  How do you say this in English?
準備好了嗎  Are you ready? 為他鼓掌  Give him a big hand.
讀這句子  Read this sentence. 把這個抄下來  Copy this down.
請回到你的座位  Please go back to your seat. 午睡時間到了  It's nap time.
放學回家了  It's time to go home. 今天誰缺席  Who is missing (absent) today?
開始上課  Let's start our lesson now. 停止作答,筆放下  Stop writing, pens down.
把答案卷傳(收)到前面來  Pass the answer sheet to the front. 和左右同學交換  Change your paper with your neighbor.
錯一字扣一分  Take off one point for every one wrong. 請把習作拿出來  Please take out your workbook.
第二段,第三行  The second paragraph, the third line (from the top). 大家一起跟著錄音帶唸  All together, after the tape.
知道答案的同學舉手  Raise your hand if you know the answer. 你需要再多練習這些字  You should practice these words more.
注意聽並跟著唸  Listen and repeat. 你的發音很好  Your pronunciation is good.
使用完整句子  Use a complete sentence. 請說英語  Please speak English.
請不要說中文  No Chinese, please. 用功讀書  Study hard.
你叫什麼名字  What's your name? 你有英文名字嗎  Do you have an English name?
不可再遲到了  Don't be late again. 大家彼此練習一下  Practice with each other.
請把窗戶打開  Please open the window. 請關門  Please close the door.
請打開燈  Please turn on the light. 請關上風扇  Please turn off the fan.
進來  Come in. 現在你可以走了  You may go now.
請再說一遍  I beg your pardon. 到我辦公室來  Come to my office.
先舉手再發言 Raise your hand before you speak. 按時繳交功課  Please hand in your homework on time.
保持教室清潔  Keep the classroom clean.