飛機種類: | ||
專機:special plane | 水陸兩用機:amphibious craft | 巨無霸噴射客機:Jumbo jet |
水上飛機:seaplane | 包機:chartered plane | 直升機:helicopter |
波音747:Boeing 747 | 班機:airliner | 教練機:training plane |
超音速噴射機:superjet | 短程小客機:air- taxi | 滑翔翼:hang glider |
運輸機:transport plane | 螺旋槳飛機:propeller | 雙翼機:biplane |
飛機構造: | ||
主翼: main wing | 行李艙:baggage compartment | 自動駕駛儀:autopilot |
尾翼:tailplane | 輔助翼:aileron | 油箱:gasoline tank |
副翼:flap | 航空羅盤:aircraft compass | 高度表:altitude indicator |
起落輪:undercarriage wheel | 推進器:propeller | 指示儀:indicator |
登機梯:accomodation ladder | 駕駛艙:cockpit | 機身:fuselage |
機尾:tail of plane | 機首:nose of plane | 機頭罩:spinner |
機輪:wheel | 噴射引擎:jet engine | 螺旋槳:propeller |
雙引擎:bi- motor | 艙門:cabin door | |
伸縮起落架:retractable landing gear | ||
雙螺旋槳:dual rotation propeller |
飛機工作人員: | ||
飛行員:pilot ; wingman | 正駕駛員:chief pilot | 副駕駛員:co- pilot |
空中小姐:stewardess | 空中少爺:steward | 民航機師:civilian pilot |
座艙長:purser | 修機技工:air mechanic | 試飛員:test pilot |
裝配機工:rigger | 領航員:navigator | 機長:command pilot |
航空用語: | ||
不著陸飛行:nonstop flight | 起飛:take- off | 降落:landing |
拖曳滑翔:glider towing | 夜航:night flight | 技術飛行:stunt flight |
空中表演:air show | 炸彈開花:bomb burst | 噴煙寫字:smoke writing |
高空飛行:soaring flight | 低飛:low- altitude flight | 航速:cruising speed |
航程:cruising range | 俯衝飛行:diving flight | 超音速:super- sonic |
登機證:boarding card | 滑行:to taxi | 著陸:to alight |
編隊飛行:formation flight | 鑽石隊形:diamond formation | 密集隊形:close formation |
緊急降落:emergency landing | 盤旋:whirling | 轉接班機:indirect flight |
橫渡:cross- country flight | 能見度:visibility | 搭乘時間:boarding time |
預定出發時間:estimated time of departure (ETD) | ||
預定到達時間:estimated time of arrival (ETA) | ||
垂直起降:vertical take- off and landing (VTOL) |
機場用語: | ||
護照:passport | 簽證:visa | 機票:flight ticket |
登機證:boarding pass | 登機門:gate | 候機室:waiting area |
票務櫃台:ticket counter | X光機:X- ray machine | 金屬偵測器:metal detector |
海關:customs | 海關官員:customs officer | 隨身行李:carry- on bag |
禮品店:gift shop | 免稅商店:duty- free shop | 行李箱:suitcase |
警衛:security guard | 旅客:passenger | 行李輸送機:luggage carousel |
參考資料:1. 實用中英百科手冊 / 歐亞
2. 康軒國中英語二上教師手冊 3.