


交通標誌:traffic signs 交通號誌:traffic signals
人行道線:sidewalk marking 紅綠燈:traffic light
行人穿越道:pedestrian- crossing marking 行車管制號誌:traffic control signal
行人專用號誌:pedestrian signal 收費站:toll bar
近障礙物線:approach- to- obstacle marking 指向線:arrow marking
速率限制:speed limit 分隔島:traffic divisional islands
車道線:lane marking 停止線:stop- line marking
禁制標誌:regulatory signs 指示標誌:informative signs
警告標誌:danger (warning) signs 鐵路平交道標誌:level crossing signs
行人專用:For Pedestrian Use Only 道路交通標誌:road traffic signs
車輛高 (寬)度限制:Height (Width) Limit 車輛總重限制:Weight Limit
注意落石:Falling Rocks Ahead 注意號誌:Signals Ahead
雪地加鏈:Snow Chains 專行汽車:For Motor Vehicles Only
救護站:First- aid Station 最低速率:Compulsory Minimum Speed
前有幹道:Yield Ahead 注意強風:Danger from Cross- wind
禁止機踏車:Mopeds Forbidden 開啟式橋樑:Drawbridge
禁止迴轉:No Returning 禁止大型車超車:No Passing for Trucks
禁止大貨車:Trucks Forbidden 禁止三輪車:No Entry for Pedicabs
禁止行人通行:No Entry for Pedestrians 禁止自行車:No Entry for Bicycles
禁止空計程車:No Entry for Empty Taxis 禁止停車:No Parking
禁止進入:No Entry 禁止超車:No Passing
禁止暫停:No Stopping 禁鳴喇叭:Use of Horn Prohibited
當心兒童:Caution (Beware) Children 當心動物:Beware of Animals
路面高突:Bump 路面顛簸:Uneven Road
解除速限:End of Speed Limit 滑路:Slippery Road
道路封閉:Road Closed 圓環:Roundabout
請走便道:Detour 碼頭:Quay
遵行方向:Direction to Be Followed 隧道:Tunnel
險降坡:Dangerous Descent 險昇坡:Steep Ascent
雙向道:Two- way Traffic Zone 繞道行駛:Bypass
關卡停車:Stop : Customs 堤岸:River Bank
禁止左 (右)轉:No Left (Right) Turn 前面狹橋:Narrow Bridge Ahead
無柵門鐵路平交道:Level Crossing Without Gates
有柵門鐵路平交道:Level Crossing  With Gates

 參考資料:實用中英百科手冊 / 歐亞