
英式拼法 美式拼法 中文 英式拼法 美式拼法 中文
aeroplane airplane 飛機 aluminium aluminum
all the morning all morning 整個上午 all the year round all the year around 整年
anyhow anyway 總之 apartment room 房間
baby-watcher baby sitter 褓姆 book reserve 預訂
booking office ticket office 售票處 bookstall newsstand 書報攤
box room store room 儲藏室 call box

public telephone booth

Certainly! Sure! 當然 charge- card credit card 信用卡
cheque check 支票 chips French fries 炸薯條
cinema movie 電影 cock rooster 雄雞
draw (a tooth) pull 拔牙 dressing- gown bathrobe 浴袍
driving licence driver's license 駕駛執照 drying line clothes line 曬衣繩
duck's egg goose egg 零分 dust- cart garbage truck 垃圾車
dustroad dirt road 未鋪設之道路 eggwhisk eggbeater 打蛋器
electric fire electric heater 電暖器 express delivery special delivery 限時專送
fill up fill out 填寫 fire guard spark guard 森林火警守衛
first floor second floor 二樓 ground floor first floor 一樓
flat apartment 公寓 fowl poultry 家禽
(full)  stop period 句點 gum glue 膠水
half a(n) a half 半個 (小時) half- yearly semi- annual 每半年地
hall lobby 大廳 hot ice dry ice 乾冰
housebreaking housewrecking 拆屋業 just there right there 就在那裡
label tag 標籤 lavatory paper toilet tissue 衛生紙
licence license 執照,許可證 lift elevator 電梯
luggage baggage 行李 luggage van baggage car 行李車
milliard billion 十億 mincer grinder 絞碎器
Mothering Sunday Mother's day 母親節 multiple shops chain stores 連鎖店
nanny nurse 褓姆看護婦 narrow bed grave
number is engaged line is busy 電話占線 odd sizes broken sizes 零碼
offence offense 違反 offish unfriendly 不友善的
overhead railway elevated railroad 高架鐵路 overtake pass 超車
pants shorts 短褲 pavement sidewalk 人行道
peep peek 窺視 personal order side order 小菜,添菜
petrol gasoline 汽油 petrol station gas station 加油站
pillar box mail box 郵筒 plate silverware 銀器
points switch (鐵路)轉轍器 post mail 郵件
postman mailman 郵差 powerpoint outlet 插座
present gift 禮物 president's wife first lady 總統夫人
pricey expensive 貴的 prize- days graduation exercises 畢業典禮
programme program 程序表 purchase tax sales tax 貨物稅
ratepayer taxpayer 納稅人 reach- me- down ready made clothes 成衣
restaurant car dining car 餐車 retractaton retraction 取消
roundabout merry- go- round 旋轉木馬 rowing boat rowboat 小船
rowlock oarlock 槳架 rubber eraser 橡皮擦
running expenses operating costs 經營成本 sack fire 革職
sailing- boat sailboat 帆船 sell up sell out 賣光
sent down expelled 開除,退學 shareholder stockholder 股東
shieling hut, cabin 小屋 shop store 商店
shopkeeper storekeeper 店主,老闆 side lamp parking lamp (車) 側燈
soft fruit ripe fruit 成熟的水果 square block 街區
stall stand 攤子 stick cane
straight away right away 立刻 straight on straight ahead 前進
street lamp street light 街燈 stroke dash 一筆劃去
summer time daylight saving time 夏令時間 sweets candy 糖果
T- road

dead end street, blind street

死巷 take a seat have a seat 就座
telephone box telephone booth 公共電話亭 telephonist telephone operator 電話接線生
tidy clean, neat 整齊的 tin can
tin- opener can opener 開罐器 to and fro back and forth 前後地
to let for rent 出租 torch flashlight 手電筒
trade- union labor union 工會 traveller traveler 旅客

pants (pants 是 pantaloons 縮寫)

長褲 trunk call long distance call 長途電話
tube (underground) subway 地下鐵 turn out come out 出現
turn over turn upside down 翻轉 tyre tire 輪胎
underdone rare 半熟的 valueless worthless 無價值的
van truck 卡車 vest undershirt 內衣
visiting card calling card 拜帖 wage packet pay envelope 薪水袋
wages sheet pay roll 薪資帳冊 waistcoat vest 背心
wash- hand basin wash bowl 洗臉盆 way out exit 出口
Whisky Whiskey 威士忌 wholesale trader wholesaler 批發商
windscreen windshield 擋風玻璃 wings fenders 擋泥板
crisps chips 洋芋片 grey gray 灰色
spelt spelled 拼字 (過去式) theatre theater 戲院
mum mom favourite favorite 最愛的
puncture flat 爆胎 chemist drugstore 藥局
braces suspenders 吊帶褲 hire car rental car 租車
holiday day off  休假 toilet restroom 洗手間

                             參考書目:1. 英語•美語對照手冊 A HANDBOOK OF BRITISH & AMERICAN ENGLISH / 旺文社

                                                   2. 國中英語第五冊 / 康軒文教

                                                   3. 英語糾察隊 / 商周