
a, an-- not, without  ¤£¡FµL

(1) atypical-- not typical  «D¨å«¬ªº      (2) anonymous-- without + name + adj.  °Î¦Wªº      


ambi, amphi-- both, around  ¨âªÌ¡F©P³ò

(1) amphibian-- both + life + n.  ¨â´ÏÃþ°Êª«  (2) ambitious-- around + to go + adj.  ¦³³¥¤ßªº


ann, enn-- year  ¦~

(1) annals-- year + n.  ¦~Ų          (2) millennium-- thousand + year + n.  ¤dÁH¦~


ante-- before  ¦b ~ ¤§«e

(1) anteroom-- before + room  «eÆU¡F±µ«Ý«Ç       (2) anterior-- before + ¤ñ¸û¯Å   ¸û¦­ªº


anthrop-- human  ¤HÃþ

(1) anthropology-- human + study of  ¤HÃþ¾Ç


anti-- against, opposite  ¤Ï¹ï¡F¬Û¤Ï

(1) antibiotic-- against + life + n., adj.  §Ü¥Í¯À        (2) antidote-- against + to give  ¸Ñ¬r¾¯


auto-- self  ¦Û¤v

(1) automatic-- self + willing + adj.  ¦Û°Êªº


bene-- good, well  ¦n

(1) beneficial-- good + to do + adj.  ¦³¯qªº         (2) benefactor-- good + to do + n.  ®½§UªÌ


bi-- two  ¤G

(1) biped-- two + foot  ¨â¨¬°Êª«       (2) bilingual-- two + language + adj.  ·|»¡¨âºØ»y¨¥ªº


bio-- life  ¥Í©R

(1) biology-- life + study of  ¥Íª«¾Ç   (2) biography-- life + to write + n.  ¶Ç°O


chron-- time  ®É¶¡

(1) chronic-- time + adj.  ºC©Ê¯e¯fªº¡F²ßºD©Êªº   (2) chronicle-- time + adj. + n.  ½s¦~¥v


circum-- around  Àô¶

(1) circumstance-- around + to stand + n.  Àô¹Ò               (2) circumference-- around + to carry

 + n.  ¶ê©P


com, con, col, cor-- together, with  ¦@¦P¡F¤@°_

(1) companion-- together + bread + n.  ¦P¦ñ   (2) consensus-- together + to feel + n.  ·N¨£¤@­P


cred-- to believe  ¬Û«H

(1) credible-- to believe + adj.  ¥i«Hªº    (2) incredible-- not + to believe + adj.  µLªk¬Û«Hªº


dem-- people  ¤H­Ì

(1) democracy-- people + to rule + n.  ¥Á¥D  (2) epidemic-- upon + people + n. ¬y¦æ©Ê¶Ç¬V¯f


dict-- to speak  »¡¸Ü

(1) diction-- to speak + n.  ±¹Ãã¡Fµo­µ           (2) predict-- before + to speak  ¹w¨¥


equ-- equal  ¬Ûµ¥ªº¡F¥­ÀRªº

(1) equation-- equal + v. + n.  µ¥¦¡¡F¤èµ{¦¡         (2) equanimity-- equal + mind + n.  Âí©w


eu-- good, well  ¦n

(1) eulogize-- good + speech + v.  ¹|´­             (2) euphony-- good + sound + n.  ®®¦Õ¤§­µ


ex, es, e-- out  ¦V¥~

(1) escape-- out + cape  °k¨«                       (2) emigrate-- out + to move  ²¾©~


fid-- to trust, faith  «H¥ô¡F«H¤ß

(1) confident-- wholly + to trust + adj.  ¦Û«Hªº            (2) fidelity-- faith + n.  ©¾­s


gen-- race, birth  ºØ±Ú¡F¥X¥Í

(1) generation-- birth + n.  ¦P¥@¥Nªº¤H              (2) genealogy--  race + study of  ®aÃÐ


graph, gram-- to write  ¼g

(1) autograph-- self + to write  ¿Ëµ§Ã±¦W       (2) graphic-- to write + adj.  ¥Í°Êªº¡F¹Ïªíªº


log-- speech, word  ¨¥»y¡F¦r

(1) dialogue-- between + speech  ¹ï¸Ü                  (2) Decalogue-- ten + word  ¤Q»|


logy-- study of  ~ ¾Ç

(1) psychology-- mind + study of  ¤ß²z¾Ç             (2) astrology-- star + study of  ¥e¬P¾Ç


loqu, loc-- to speak  »¡

(1) loquacious-- to speak + adj.  ¦nÅGªº     (2) soliloquy-- alone + to speak + n.  ¦Û¨¥¦Û»y  


mal-- bad  ¤£¦nªº

(1) malice-- bad + n.  ´c·N            (2) malaria-- bad + air  ºÄ¯e


meter, metr-- measure  ´ú¶q

(1) geometry-- earth + measure + n.  ´X¦ó¾Ç       (2) kilometer-- thousand + measure  ¤½¨½


mono-- one  ¤@

(1) monotone-- one + tone  ³æ½Õªº             (2) monotheism-- one + god + n.  ¤@¯«½×


morph-- form  §Î¦¨

(1) morphine-- form + given names  ¶Ü°Ø           (2) morphology-- form + study of  §ÎºA¾Ç


pan-- all  ¥þ³¡

(1) panorama-- all + view  ¥þ´º                (2) pantheism-- all + god + n.  ¦h¯«±Ð


path-- feeling, suffering  ·P±¡¡Fµh­W

(1) sympathy-- together + feeling + n.  ¦P±¡     (2) antipathy-- against + feeling + n.  ¤Ï·P


ped-- foot  脚

(1) centipede-- hundred + foot  ¸¼°G            (2) expedition-- out + foot + n.  »·©º¡F±´ÀI


phil-- to love  ·R

(1) philosophy-- to love + wisdom + n.  ­õ¾Ç  (2) philanthropist-- to love + human + n.  ·Oµ½®a


phobia-- fear  ®£Äß

(1) acrophobia-- topmost + fear  Äß°ª¯g     (2) hydrophobia-- water + fear  ¨g¤ü¯f¡F®£¤ô¯f


phon-- sound  Án­µ

(1) symphony-- together + sound  ¥æÅT¼Ö         (2) microphone-- small + sound  ÂX­µ¾¹


post-- after  ¦b ~ ¤§«á

(1) postscript-- after + to write  ªþµù                    (2) postpone-- after + to put  ©µ´Á


pre-- before  ¦b ~ ¤§«e

(1) prejudice-- before + judge  °¾¨£                     (2) precedent-- before + to go  «e¨Ò


pro-- forward, before, for, forth  ¦V«e¡F¤ä«ù

(1) promotion-- forward + to move + n.  ¤É¾E      (2) provide-- before + to see  ¹w³Æ¡F¨ÑÀ³


re-- back, again ¦V«áªº¡F¦A

(1) revive-- again + to live  ´_¬¡                  (2) reflect-- back + bend  ¤Ï®g


scrib, script-- to write  ¼g

(1) describe-- down + to write  ´y¼g         (2) manuscript-- hand + to write  ­ì½Z¡F¤â½Z


sed, sid-- to sit  §¤

(1) president-- before + to sit + n.  ¸³¨Æªø           (2) sedentary-- sit + adj. + adj.  ¤[§¤ªº


spec, spic, spect-- to look  ¬Ý

(1) inspect-- into + to look  µø¹î                          (2) respect-- again + to look  ´L·q


sub-- under  ¦b ~ ¤§¤U

(1) subsistence-- under + stand + n.  ¥Í­p


super-- above, over  ¦b ~ ¤§¤W

(1) supervisor-- above +  see + person  ºÊ·þªÌ   (2) superstition-- above + to stand + n.  °g«H


syn, sym, syl-- together, with  ¤@°_

(1) symbol-- together + to throw  ¶H¼x              (2) syndrome-- together + to run  ¯g­Ô¸s


tele-- far  »·

(1) telephone-- far + sound  ¹q¸Ü                      (2) television-- far + to see + n.  ¹qµø


tort-- to twist  §á¦±

(1) retort-- back + to twist  ¤Ï»é                          (2) torture-- twist + n.  §é¿i


ver-- true  ¯u¹êªº

(1) verify-- true + v.  ¬dÃÒ                             (2) very-- truly   «Ü¡F¥þµM¦a


vert, vers-- to turn  Âಾ¡F§ïÅÜ

(1) advertise-- to + to turn + v.  «Å¶Ç                (2) universe-- one + to turn  ¦t©z


voc-- to call, voice  ¥l¶°¡FÁn­µ

(1) vocation-- to call + n.  ¾·~                               (2) evoke-- out + to call  ³ê°_


ac, acr-- sharp, sour  ¾U§Qªº¡F»Ä

(1) acrid-- ¨¯»¶ªº¡FÃø»Dªº                            (2) acuity-- sharp + n.  ¦y¾U


acro-- topmost, high  ³Ì°ªªº

(1) acrobat-- ¯S§Þºt­û


alg-- pain  µh­W

(1) analgesic-- ¤îµhÃÄ                               (2) neuralgia-- nerve + pain  ¯«¸gµh


aqua-- water  ¤ô

(1) aquarium-- water + place  ¤ô±ÚÀ]                 (2) aquatic-- water + adj.  ¤ô¥Íªº   


arch-- ruler (first in power) , ancient (first in time)  ­º»â¡F¥j¥N

(1) anarchy-- not + ruler  µL¬F©²ª¬ºA         (2) archaeology-- ancient + study of  ¦Ò¥j¾Ç


aster, astr-- star  ¬P¬P

(1) astronomy-- star + law  ¤Ñ¤å¾Ç   


audi-- to hear  Å¥

(1) audience-- to hear + n.  Å¥²³


avi-- bird  ³¾

(1) aviator-- bird + person  ­¸¦æ­û                      (2) aviation-- bird + n.  ¯èªÅ¾Ç


bel-- war  ¾Ôª§

(1) rebel-- again + war  ¤Ï«q     


bibl-- book  ®Ñ

(1) bibliography-- ®Ñ¥Ø                             (2) Bible-- ¸t¸g


cap-- to take  ®·®»

(1) capture-- take + n.  «R¾Û


capit-- head  ÀY

(1) capital-- head + adj.  ­º©²                        (2) captain-- ¶¤ªø


cede, ceed, cess-- to go  Â÷¶}

(1) proceed-- before + to go  «e¶i                 (2) intercede-- between + to go  ±q¤¤½Õ°±


cent-- hundred  ¦Ê

(1) centimeter-- hundred + measure  ¤½¤À                 (2) percent-- by + hundred  ¨C¤@¦Ê


chrom-- color  顔¦â

(1) chromosome-- color + body  ¬V¦âÅé     (2) monochromatic-- one + color + adj.  ³æ¦âªº


cid, cis-- to kill, to cut  ±þ¡F¤Á

(1) decide-- off + to cut  ¨M¤ß                     (2) suicide-- self + to kill  ¦Û±þ


clud, clus, claus, close-- to close, to shut  Ãö³¬

(1) closet-- close + small  ¤pÂd¤l                      (2) include-- in + to shut  ¥]¬A


contra, counter-- against  ¤Ï¹ï¡F°f

(1) contrast-- against + to stand  ¹ï·Ó            (2) counterfeit-- against + to make  °°³y«~


corp-- body  ¨­Åé

(1) corporation-- body + n.  ¤½¥q                     (2) corpse-- «ÍÅé


cosm-- universe, order  ¦t©z¡F¦¸§Ç

(1) cosmetic--  ¤ÆùÛ«~                (2) microcosm-- small + universe  ¤p¦t©z¡FÁY¹Ï


crypt-- hidden  隠Âêº

(1) cryptic-- hidden + adj.  ¯«¯¦ªº                 (2) cryptogram-- hidden + to write  ±K½X


culp-- blame  Äþ³d

(1) clupable-- blame + adj.  À³¨üÄþ³dªº                (2) culprit-- ¥Ç¸oªÌ


cur-- care, to run  ¤p¤ß¡F¬y³q

(1) secure-- without + care  µL¼{ªº¡F¦w¥þªº        (2) concur-- together + run  ¦P®Éµo¥Í


cycl-- circle  ¶ê°é¡F©P´Á

(1) bicycle-- two + circle  脚½ñ¨®        (2) encyclopedia-- in + circle + education  ¦Ê¬ì¥þ®Ñ


derm-- skin  ¥Ö

(1) epidermis-- upon + skin  ªí¥Ö            (2) dermatitis-- skin + inflammation  ¥Ö½§ª¢


dia-- through, between  ³q¹L¡F¦b ~ ¤§¶¡

(1) diagnosis-- through + to know  ¶EÂ_             (2) diameter-- through + measure  ª½®|


dis, di, dif-- not, away  §_©w¡FÂ÷¶}

(1) divert-- away + to turn  Âà¦V                     (2) discredit-- not + to believe  ÃhºÃ


duc-- to lead  ¤Þ¾É

(1) conductor-- together + to lead + person  »â¾ÉªÌ   (2) introduce-- within + to lead  ¤¶²Ð


dur-- hard, lasting  °íµwªº¡F«ù¤[ªº

(1) durable-- lasting + adj.  «ù¤[ªº               (2) obdurate-- against + hard + adj.  ¹x©Tªº


dyn, dynam-- power  ¤O¶q

(1) dynamite-- ¬µÃÄ                   (2) dynasty-- ´Â¥N


epi-- on, upon  ¦b ~ ¤§¤W

(1) episode-- upon + coming in  ´¡¦±                         (2) epitaph-- upon + tomb  ¹Ó»x»Ê


erg, urg-- work  ¤u§@

(1) energy-- ºë¤O¥R¨Kªº                            (2) metallurgy-- metal + work + n.  §Mª÷³N


fac, fic-- to make, to do  °µ

(1) factory-- ¤u¼t                              (2) manufacture-- hand + to make + v.  »s³y


fer-- to carry, to bear  ¶Ç°e¡F­t²ü

(1) conifer-- cone + to bear  °w¸­¾ð                  (2) transfer-- across + to carry  ¾E²¾


fin-- end, bound  µ²§ô¡F½d³ò

(1) define-- down + bound  ©w¸q                     (2) final-- end + adj.  ³Ì«áªº


fort-- strong  ±j§§ªº

(1) comfort-- completely + strong  ¦w¼¢                       (2) fortress-- ³ùÂS


frag, fract-- to break  ¥´¯}

(1) fraction-- to break + n.  ¸H¤ù                     (2) fragile-- to break + able  ©ö¸Hªº


geo-- earth  ¦a²y¡F¤g¦a

(1) geology-- earth + study of  ¦a½è¾Ç           (2) geography-- earth + to write  ¦a²z¾Ç


gnos-- to know  ª¾¹D

(1) prognosis-- before + to know  ¯fª¬¤§¹wÂ_


greg-- flock, herd  ¸s

(1) segregate-- apart + flock + v.  ¹jÂ÷


hetero-- different  ¤£¦Pªº

(1) heterodox-- different + opinion-- «D¥¿²Îªº


homo-- human, same  ¤HÃþ¡F¬Û¦Pªº

(1) homicide-- human + to kill  ±þ¤H    (2) homonym-- same + name  ¦P­µ²§¦r¡F¦P¦W¤§¤H


hydr-- water  ¤ô

(1) hydrogen-- water + birth  ²B               (2) dehydrate-- from + water + v.  ¨Ï²æ¤ô


hyper-- over  ¦b ~ ¤§¤W

(1) hyperbole-- over + to throw  ¸Ø¤jªk 


hypo-- under  ¦b ~ ¤§¤U

(1) hypothesis-- under + to put  °²³]


in, im, il, ir-- in, into, not  ¦b ~ ¤§¤º¡F¦¨¬°¡F¤£

(1) innate-- in + to be born  ¤Ñ¥Íªº      (2) intangible-- not + to touch + adj.  ¤£¥iIJºNªº


inter-- between, among  ¦b ~ ¤§¶¡

(1) international-- °ê»Úªº               (2) intercept-- between + to take  ¤¤³~ªý¤î©ÎÄdºI


intro, intra-- within  ¦b ~ ¤§¤º

(1) introspective-- within + to look + adj.  ¤º¬Ùªº  


iso-- equal  ¬Ûµ¥ªº

(1) isobar-- µ¥À£½u             (2) isotherm-- equal + heat  µ¥·Å½u


lith-- stone  ¥ÛÀY

(1) neolithic-- new + stone + adj.  ·s¥Û¾¹®É¥Nªº


magn-- great  ¤jªº

(1) magnificent-- great + to make + adj.  §§ÄRªº


manu-- hand  ¤â

(1) manage-- hand + v.  ±±¨î                   (2) manual-- hand + adj.  ¤â¤uªº


mar-- sea  ®ü

(1) submarine-- under + sea + n.  ¼ç¤ô¸¥   


micro-- small  ¤pªº

(1) microscope-- small + to see  Åã·LÃè                        (2) microwave-- ·Lªi


mit, mis-- to send  ¶Ç¹F

(1) transmission-- across + to send + n.  ¶Ç¼½


mort-- death  ¦º¤`

(1) mortuary-- death + place  ¤Ó¥­¶¡ 


neo-- new   ·sªº

(1) neophyte-- new + plant  ·s¥[¤JªÌ            (2) neologism-- new + word + n.  ·s³Ðªº¦r


nom-- law  ªk«ß

(1) economy-- home + law  ¸`»ü


omni-- all  ¥þ³¡

(1) omnipotent-- all + able + adj.  ¥þ¯àªº


onym-- name  ¦W¦r

(1) antonym-- opposite + name  ¤Ï¸q¦r             (2) synonym-- together + name  ¦P¸q¦r


ortho-- straight  ª½ªº

(1) orthodox-- straight + opinion  ¶Ç²Îªº   (2) orthopedics-- straight + child + n.  ¾ã§Î¥~¬ì


para-- deside  ¦b ~ ¤§®Ç

(1) paradox-- beside + opinion  ¦ü«D¦Ó¬Oªº¿Î»y      (2) parable-- beside + to throw  ¤ñ³ë


ped-- child  ¤p«Ä

(1) pedagogy-- child + leader  ±Ð¾Çªk


pend, pens-- to hang, to weight  ±¾¡FºÙ

(1) pendant-- to hang + n.  ¼Y¤l  


per-- through  ¸g¥Ñ

(1) pervade-- through + to go  Äjº©


phot-- light  ¥ú

(1) photography-- light + to write  Äá¼v


plac-- to please  ¨ú®®

(1) complacent-- with + to please + adj.  ±o·Nªº


poli-- city  «°¥«

(1) metropolis-- mother + city  ­º©²


poly-- many  ³\¦h

(1) polygon-- many + angle  ¦h¨¤§Î


port-- to carry  Äâ±a

(1) export-- out + to carry  ¥X¤f                     (2) support-- under + to carry  ¤ä«ù


proto-- first  ³Ì¥ý

(1) prototype-- ­ì«¬                     (2) protozoa-- first + animal  ­ì¥Í°Êª«


pseud-- false  °²ªº

(1) pseudoclassic-- ÀÀ¥j¨åªº


psych-- soul, mind  ÆF»î¡F¤ß´¼

(1) psychosis-- mind + n.  ºë¯«¯f


pyr-- fire  ¤õ

(1) pyromaniac-- Áa¤õ¨g


sat-- enough  ¨¬°÷

(1) satisfy-- enough + to make  ¨Ïº¡·N


scop-- to look  ¬Ý

(1) telescope-- far + to look  ±æ»·Ãè


sent, sens-- to feel  ·Pı

(1) consent-- together + feeling  ¦P·N                (2) sentiment-- to feel + n.  ±¡ºü


sol-- sun  ¤Ó¶§

(1) solar-- sun + adj.  ©M¤Ó¶§¦³Ãöªº


soph-- wise  ´¼¼zªº

(1) sophomore-- wise + foolish  ¤j¾Ç¤G¦~¯Å¾Ç¥Í


tempor-- time  ®É¶¡

(1) temporary-- Á{®Éªº


ten, tin, tain-- to hold  ®³

(1) retain-- back + to hold  «O¯d


terr-- earth  ¦a¡F¦a²y

(1) territory-- earth + n.  »â¤g


the, theo-- god  ¯«

(1) enthusiasm-- in + god + n.  ¨g¼ö                   (2) theology-- god + study of  ©v±Ð¾Ç


therm-- heat  ¼ö

(1) thermos-- ¼ö¤ô²~


tom-- to cut  ¤Á

(1) anatomy-- up + to cut  ¸Ñ­å¾Ç                                  (2) atom-- not + to cut  ­ì¤l


trans-- across  ¬ï¹L

(1) transcend-- across + to climb  ¶W¶V             (2) transfusion-- across + to pour + n.  ¿é¦å


tri-- three  ¤T

(1) tripod-- three + foot  ¤T脚¬[                        (2) trivia-- three + way  º¾¨Æ


uni-- one  ¤@

(1) uniform-- one + form  ¨îªA                      (2) unique-- one + adj.  ¿W¤@µL¤Gªº


urb-- city  «°¥«

(1) suburb-- near + city  ­¥°Ï                          (2) urban-- city + adj.  ³£¥«ªº


ven-- to come  ¨Ó

(1) convent-- together + to come  ­×¹D°|                (2) event-- out + to come  µ²ªG


verb-- word  ¦r

(1) verbatim-- ³v¦r¦a


via-- way  ¹D¸ô

(1) deviate-- away + way + v.  ²æÂ÷±`­y


vid, vis-- to see  ¬Ý

(1) visor-- ­±¥Ò


viv-- alive, life  ¬¡ªº¡F¥Í©R

(1) survive-- over + alive  ¥ÍÁÙ                       (2) vivid-- ¥Í°Êªº


vol-- to wish, to will  §Æ±æ¡F·N§Ó

(1) volunteer-- to wish + person  §ÓÄ@ªÌ


°Ñ¦Ò®Ñ¥Ø¡G­^¤å¦r®Ú¦r·J  English Word Roots / Teresa Ferster Glazier µÛ / ³¯ÀR©y½sĶ / ¾Ç²ß¥Xª©¤½¥q