7. 獨立紀念日 

 Independence Day

    美國殖民地的獨立宣言 ( The Declaration of Independence)於西元1776年由 Thomas Jefferson 寫成。有名的句子如:

     ... We hold there truths to be self-evidence: that all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights: life, liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness.

    ... In the name of the good people of these colonies, ... we declare that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be free and Independent States.

    John Hancock 是當時費城 ( Philadelphia) 會議的領袖,冒著生命危險第一個簽名,而且為了表明他的不畏懼,John Hancock 特別將自己名字簽得很大。最後共有55人簽名。那天是7月4日,美洲殖民地正式聲明脫離英國而獨立。