
The Courtyard Is as Crowded as a Market

   Zou Ji went to the court to see King Wei of the State of Qi, and said to him: "To my knowledge I am indeed not so handsome as Xu Gong, but my wife says that I am, because she flatters me; so does my concubine because she fears me; and even my guests say the same thing because they want to ask me favors.  From this I realize that since ours is a big state possessing a thousand square miles of land and 120 cities, there is no lady around you who does not flatter you, no courtier who does not fear you, and no one throughout the state who do not want to ask you a favor.  So, I should say Your Highness must have been much more fooled by honeyed words than I."

    "You are quite right," rejoined the King.  Then he decreed that "whosoever among my subjects can point out my faults in my face will be highly rewarded; those who remonstrate with me in writing will receive a reasonable reward; and those who lampoon me and speak ill of me in the court and the market and whose remarks eventually reach my ear will be moderately rewarded."

    In the first few days of the proclamation, great numbers of subjects went to the court to remonstrate so that the courtyard was as crowded as a marketplace.  A few months later, those who entered the court to criticize became less in number and they came only occasionally.  A year later, nobody had any criticism to make though he wished he could have something to say.

    At this news, the states of Yan, Chao, Han and Wei all came to pay tribute to Qi.  This is what is meant by conquest through peaceful means starting right in the court.

Zhanguo ce (Warring States Records)





