4. Shiro

    A long time ago, there lived a poor but honest man, and his wife.  They had a little white dog called Shiro, whom they loved very much.  One day the old man was working in his garden, digging up the ground to plant vegetables, when Shiro began to bark and to dig at the ground.  Thinking that he might have found a bone, the kind old man stopped working; and taking his spade, he dug at the spot where Shiro was barking.  To his surprise his spade hit something hard, that sounded like metal.  He dug again and uncovered a heap of gold coins.

  The old man could hardly believe his good luck.  His hands shaking with excitement, he collected the coins together, and took them into the house to show his wife.  How happy the kind old couple were.  They had enough money now to buy rice both for the winter, and to give away to their friends.

    In the next house lived a cruel and greedy man.  When he heard the story of the coins that Shiro had found, he was very angry.

    "Why should my neighbors have all the luck." he moaned.  "It's not fair.  I'll get their nasty little dog to find some coins for me!"

    So the evil man went to his good neighbor and asked to borrow Shiro.

    "For he is such a good and clever little dog, I should like him to look for coins in my garden.  I'm sure that he will find some for me." he said.

    The old man was surprised at the suggestion, because his neighbor did not like animals, and had often thrown stones at Shiro in the past.  However, he wanted to help, so he agreed to let Shiro go.

    The little dog did not want to leave his kind owner, especially when the greedy man gave him a kick, but he began to smell around the garden as he was told.  For a long time the little dog found nothing and then, just as the evil man felt he could wait no longer, he began to bark and dig at the ground.  at once, the greedy man pushed him away, and started to dig himself.  However, instead of coins, all he found in the hole was a load of rubbish.  Losing his temper completely, he beat the little dog with his spade, until he was dead.

    After a while, the good old man began to worry about his dog, as he did not come home again.  He went to his neighbor, and asked where Shiro was.  The evil man replied that the dog was stupid and useless.  "He was no good to anyone." he said.  "I killed him with my spade.  If you want his body, I buried it under that pine over there."  And he went into his house again and shut the door.

    The kind old man and his wife were very sad at the death of their little dog.  They blamed themselves, for letting him go to their evil neighbor.  They put flowers on the spot where Shiro was buried, and cried over him.

    That night, when the good old man was asleep, he had a dream.  In his dream, Shiro appeared and said, "Cut down the tree under which I am buried.  Then make a mortar from the tree, and use it to grind your rice."

    The next day the old man told his wife of his dream, and they decided to do as Shiro had said.  "For," the old woman said, "he was no ordinary dog.  I believe that you should make the mortar, husband."

    The old man did as Shiro had said.  He cut down the pine tree, and made a mortar from the wood.  Then he started to grind his rice.  As he did so, every piece of rice changed into a gold coin.

    When his evil neighbor heard of this, he was even angrier than before.  He went to his neighbor, and asked very nicely if he could borrow the mortar.  The good old couple kindly agreed to lend it.

    "He may be an evil man but we should try to help him if we can." the old man said to his wife.  If we show him kindness he may change his bad ways."

    When the bad man reached home with the mortar, he at once began to grind his rice, but, instead of gold, it changed to dust.  With an angry shout he threw the mortar onto the fire, and burnt it.

    That night, the old man again dreamed of Shiro.  This time, the little dog told him what had happened to the mortar.

    "Fetch some of the ash from the fire." he said. "If you throw it upon the trees, they will blossom at once, even though it is now winter."

    The next morning, the old man went to his neighbor's house, and asked for some of the ash from the fire.  Then he took it home, and threw a little on the cherry trees in his garden.  To his surprise, they suddenly became covered in blossom-- a beautiful sight.  Happily he ran through the village, throwing ash on all the trees, and calling his friends out to see the blossom appearing on the trees.

    So pleased was the old man with the effect of the ashes from Shiro's mortar, that he began to go around the country, making all the trees blossom.  At last, the Lord of that part of Japan heard of the old man who could make the trees blossom.  He sent for him, to throw ash onto his favorite cherry tree, and was very pleased to see it covered in beautiful sweet smelling blossom.  He praised the old man, and gave him many gifts.

    When the evil neighbor heard of this, he, too, took some of the ash from the mortar and went to see the Lord.

    "Look, my Lord." he cried.  "The trees will be covered in blossom"

    He threw the ash over a peach tree, but not a single blossom appeared.  Instead, the wind blew the ash into the Lord's eyes and mouth, and he was very angry.  The evil man was beaten by the Lord's soldiers, until he bowed down to the ground and asked to be forgiven for his crimes.

    He went home a changed man, and when the good old man and his wife saw that he was truly sorry for what he had done, they shared their gold with him.  And from that day on, they lived as good neighbors should-- in peace and happiness together.    


4. 許諾傳奇



















    那個壞心的人就灑了一些灰燼在首長心愛的桃樹上。但是樹上一朵花也沒有長出來。這時候,一陣風吹過來,把那些灰燼吹到首長的眼睛和嘴巴裡。首長相當憤怒,那個壞心的人就被首長的衛兵 打得很悽慘,最後跪在地上向首長求饒。
