5. The Thief Of Cathay

    It was the birthday of an honored man, and his sons and servants were busy receiving messengers who came with gifts and congratulations.  A thief, who knew that among the presents there were articles of value, slipped in and secreted himself by lying face downward on a tie-beam in the roof of the great hall where a banquet was to be served in the evening.  From this corner he overlooked the opening of parcels of silk, fade and jewels, and took note where they were put, intending to take them away after the guests had left and the family gone to sleep.

    The master of the house arranged his birthday gifts for the inspection of his relatives, and received the donors in the evening at a magnificent feast.  Late at night, when the guests had all taken leave, and the servants had retired, the host stayed to put away some of the presents.  As he leaned over a drawer, with his back toward the thief, the latter looked over the beam to take a final look of the room before the lights should be put out.  And as he did so his head cast a shadow on the floor.

    The host betrayed no sign of having observed the moving shadow, but he called a servant and bade him bring the choicest food and lay the table for a single guest.  When this was done, he dismissed the servant for the night.  Then turning toward the beam on which the thief lay, and making obeisance as to a noble guest, he said, "Will the gentleman who is on the roof-beam now come down and have a meal."

    As there was nothing else he could reasonably do, the thief descended, and was led to the table by his host who served him while he ate.  When he had finished his meal, his host gave him a bag of silver coins, begged him to make good use of them, and dismissed him politely from his door.

    Tens of years passed, and brought the eightieth birthday of the host.  His honors had increased, and his descendants were many.  During the day costly gifts were sent to him by friends who were all invited to eat with him that evening.  His grandson received the presents at his door and brought them to his apartment.  Towards nightfall his grandson came to him with a priceless gem, and said that it had been brought by a stranger who would not tell his name but insisted upon seeing the master of the house.

    The stranger was admitted to the old man's room, where he expressed great joy in seeing his host alive and in health.  The host did not recognize his guest, and excusing himself by a plea of failing sight, asked his name.  The guest replied that he was a sincere friend, an honest man, and rich enough to bring many such gifts as the priceless gem.  The host replied that he could not accept gifts unless he knew his name, and he could not invite him to eat with him that evening in the great hall.

    Then the visitor suggested that his host might invite him by saying, "Will the gentleman who was on the roof-beam have a meal?"  And he told how he, the thief, had, under the influence of his host's gentleness, repented of evil.  He had used the coins given to him for foreign trade and he had prospered, practicing truth and mercy.

    He stayed to banquet with the other guests, and among them all, none were more happy than he and his benevolent host. 


5. 樑上君子







