{Prometheus and Man}   {Pandora's Box}   {Apple of Discord}   {Achilles' Heel}   {The Trojan Horse}

{Echo}   {Golden Touch}   {Sisyphus's Stone}   {Labors of Hercules}   {The Man Who Loves a Statue}

Apple of Discord  是非之果

    Athena was the goddess of wisdom, but on one occasion she did a very foolish thing; she entered into competition with Hera and Venus for the prize of beauty.  It happened thus:  At the wedding party of Peleus and Thetis all the gods were invited with the exception of Eris, or Discord.  Enraged at her exclusion, the goddess threw a golden apple among the guests, with the inscription, "For the fairest."  Thereupon Hera, Venus, and Athena each claimed the apple.  Zeus, not willing to decide in so delicate a matter, sent the goddesses to Mount Ida, where the beautiful shepherd Paris was tending his flocks, and to him was committed the decision. 

   The goddesses accordingly appeared before him.  Hera promised him power and riches, Athena glory and renown in war, and Venus the fairest of women for his wife, each attempting to bias his decision in her own favor.  Paris decided in favor of Venus and gave her the golden apple, thus making the two other goddesses his enemies.

    Under the protection of Venus, Paris sailed to Greece, an was hospitably received by Menelaus, king of Sparta.  Now Helen, the wife of Menelaus, was the very woman whom Venus had destined for Paris, the fairest of her sex.  She had been sought as a bride by numerous suitors, and before her decision was made known, they all, at the suggestion of Ulysses, one of their number, took an oath that they would defend her from all injury and avenge her cause if necessary.  She chose Menelaus, and was living with him happily when Paris became their guest.  Paris, aided by Venus, persuaded her to elope with him and carried her to Troy, whence arose the famous Trojan war.

    雅典娜是智慧女神,但她在一個場合下幹了一件十分愚蠢的事情:她跟希拉和維納斯進行比賽,競爭美女獎。事情的經過是這樣的:珀琉斯(Peleus)和忒提斯(Thetis)舉行婚禮時邀請了所有的神祇,只有紛爭女神厄里斯(Eris)未在被邀者之列。這位女神對此大為惱火,便在賓客中扔下一個刻有“獻給最美麗的女神”字樣的金蘋果。於是,希拉,維納斯和雅典娜都認為自己該得到這蘋果。宙斯(Zeus)不願意裁決如此微妙的問題,便叫女神們到美男子牧羊人帕里斯(Paris)放養牧群的伊得山(Mount Ida),讓帕里斯作出決定。



因此 the apple of discord (是非之果) 指的是引起是非的原因。


{普羅米修斯和人類}   {潘朵拉的盒子}   {是非之果}   {阿奇里斯的腳跟}   {特洛伊木馬}

{回聲}    {金手指}    {西西佛斯的石頭}    {大力神的十二任務}    {愛上雕像的男人}