中文俗話英語表達 (2)

21. 茶餘飯後  dinner conversation

The baseball game has become fodder for dinner conversation. 棒球賽成了茶餘飯後的話題。

22. 拆東牆補西牆  take from Peter to pay Paul

Taking money from your company would be like taking from Peter to pay Paul. 從你的公司拿錢是拆東牆補西牆。

23. 唱反調  do the opposite

My son always does the opposite of what I say. 我兒子總是和我唱反調。

24. 超然  rise above

People often have difficulties rising above material temptation. 人往往很難超然物外。

25. 徹頭徹尾  out-and-out

What he said was an out-and-out lie. 他的話是徹頭徹尾的謊言。

26. 沈得住氣 one's feathers can't be ruffled

His feathers can't be ruffled even facing death. 即使面對死亡,他都沈得住氣。

27. 吃錯藥了 got up on the wrong side of the bed

He must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed. 他一定是吃錯藥了。

28. 臭美 full of oneself

She's so full of herself that she often makes a bad impression. 她老愛臭美,給人留下壞印象。

29. 抽籤 draw straws

We have to make the decision by drawing straws. 我們只有抽籤決定了。

30. 出爾反爾 go back on one's word; break a promise

He is not one to break a promise. 他不是出爾反爾的人。

31. 湊齊 round up

Have you rounded up enough people? 人數湊齊了嗎?

32. 打盹 take a catnap

I sometimes take a catnap in the afternoon. 我下午偶爾打個盹。

33. 大海撈針 look for a needle in a haystack

To find him in such a big city is like looking for a needle in a haystack. 在這麼大的城市找他就像大海撈針。

34. 打退堂鼓 back out

Don't back out now.  We will succeed soon. 不要打退堂鼓,我們快成功了。

35. 彈丸之地 a tiny place

It may be a tiny place but it is very important to our country. 雖然是彈丸之地,對我們國家而言卻很重要。

36. 當一天和尚撞一天鐘 trudge along

Don't be lazy, you must trudge along anyway. 不要偷懶,當一天和尚撞一天鐘。

37. 倒栽蔥 fall headfirst

He fell headfirst from the roof. 他倒栽蔥地從屋頂摔下來。

38. 刀子嘴豆腐心 one has a sharp tongue but means well

She has a sharp tongue, but she means well. 她是刀子嘴豆腐心。

39. 得了吧 Give me a break!

Give me a break!  That's impossible. 得了吧!那是不可能的。

40. 得理不饒人 argue a point to death

He argues a point to death, even when his classmate apologizes. 他的同學道歉了,他還是得理不饒人。
