中文俗話英語表達 (5)

81. 冷血動物  cold fish

She won't help you.  She's a cold fish. 她是個冷血動物,不會幫你的。 

82. 力不從心  not within one's power

I would like to give her a hand, but it's not within my power. 我想幫她,但是力不從心。

83. 兩全其美  a win-win situation

Everyone will be happy because this is a win-win situation. 由於兩全其美,因此皆大歡喜。

84. 龍飛鳳舞  the handwriting of a doctor

He has the handwriting of a doctor.  It's not easy to read. 他的字寫得龍飛鳳舞 ,不容易認。

85. 馬不停蹄  always on the move

That singer is always on the move performing. 那歌星馬不停蹄地作表演。

86. 賣關子  telling a story bit by bit

He is telling the story bit by bit. 他在賣關子。

87. 賣命  work one's life away

He works his life away to give his family happiness. 他為了家人幸福賣命工作。

88. 木已成舟  a done deal

It's a done deal.  You must face the reality.  木已成舟,你要面對現實。

89. 耐人尋味  thought-provoking

His speech was really thought-provoking. 他的演講非常耐人尋味。

90. 南腔北調  with various accents

The conversation at the party was filled with various accents. 宴會裡南腔北調什麼都有。

91. 皮笑肉不笑  wear a plastic smile

He's fake when he wears a plastic smile. 他皮笑肉不笑的,真虛偽。

92. 破天荒  for the very first time

For the very first time, he has sung an English song. 他破天荒地唱了英文歌。

93. 千篇一律  cut from the same cloth

All his stories are cut from the same cloth and is boring. 他的故事千篇一律,真是無聊。

94. 搶鏡頭  steal the show

She always steals the show at the party. 在派對上她最搶鏡頭。

95. 巧婦難為無米之炊  a writer without a pen

Like a writer without a pen, I have no fruit to make juice. 巧婦難為無米之炊,沒有水果我無法做出果汁。

96. 青梅竹馬  childhood sweethearts

They were childhood sweethearts. 他們倆是青梅竹馬。

97. 屈指可數  be numbered

His days in the army are numbered.  他退伍的日子屈指可數了。 

98. 撒野  act up

Don't you dare act up in public! 你休想在公眾埸合撒野! 

99. 三教九流  people in all walks of life

He makes friends with people from all walks of life. 他交的朋友三教九流。

100. 十八般武藝樣樣精通  skillful in every field

There are few people who are as skillful in every field as he is. 很少像他這樣十八般武藝樣樣精通的人。
