中文俗話英語表達 (4)

61. 古往今來  throughout the ages

Throughout the ages, any beauty could hardly resist the temptation of money.  古往今來,美人難過金錢關。

62. 灌迷湯  sweet talk

Don't sweet-talk me into it.  I won't give you money anymore. 別給我灌迷湯了,我不會再給你錢的。

63. 好自為之  behave oneself

From now on, please behave yourself. 從現在起,請你好自為之。

64. 橫行霸道  be a bear

That  bad guy is such a bear. 那壞人橫行霸道。

65. 紅人  golden boy

He's the company's golden boy. 他是公司裡的紅人。

66. 厚此薄彼  play favorites

It's not right for parents to play favorites. 做父母的不能對孩子厚此薄彼。

67. 胡鬧  horse around

Stop horsing around.  Let's start to study.  別胡鬧了,我們開始學習吧。 

68. 胡謅  cook up a wild story

Don't believe him.  He is just cooking up a wild story. 不要聽他胡謅。

69. 話匣子  chatterbox, motormouth

She is a chatterbox who never shuts up. 她一打開話匣子就停不了。

70. 貨比三家  shop around

Shop around so you can get the best deal. 貨比三家不吃虧。

71. 激將法  egg...on

He's just egging you on. 這不過是他的激將法。

72. 家喻戶曉  be a household name

Coke is a household name. 可口可樂家喻戶曉。

73. 將心比心  put oneself in someone's shoes

By putting yourself in her shoes, you will understand her feeling. 將心比心,你就能了解她的心情。

74. 焦頭爛額  deeply troubled

He was deeply troubled by this problem. 他被這問題弄得焦頭爛額。 

75. 節骨眼  critical moment

At this critical moment, you must insist on. 在這個節骨眼,你必須堅持下去。

76. 潔身自愛  keep your nose clean

You had better keep your nose clean. 你最好潔身自愛。

77. 今朝有酒今朝醉  live for today

He lives for today and doesn't care anything. 他今朝有酒今朝醉,不顧一切。

78. 空頭支票  empty promises

We want action, not empty promises. 我們要的是實際行動,不是空頭支票。

79. 扣人心弦  touching

The music is really touching. 這音樂真是扣人心弦。

80. 來龍去脈  entire scenario

We should get a clear idea of the entire scenario of this accident. 我們應該弄清楚這件意外的來龍去脈。
